В россию приходит совершенно новый бренд ноутбуков

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Про бренд Machenike

Компания Haier была основана в 1984 г. в китайском городе Циндао, основным направлением было производство холодильного оборудования. Через два года Haier открыла крупнейший во всем Китае технологический парк по производству кондиционеров и бытовой техники, а к концу тысячелетия начала активно работать на экспорт.

На российский рынок китайская компания вышла в 2007 г. и открыла официальное представительство. В 2018 г. в России был открыт первый розничный магазин, а через год в городе Набережные Челны появился завод Haier по производству стиральных машин.

Электронная подпись для бизнеса: как получить ее быстрее в 2023 году

Компания ThundeRobot появилась в 2014 г. в качестве стартапа Haier Group. Сегодня это один из известных брендов игровых компьютеров и аксессуаров. В том же году Haier инвестировала в другой игровой стартап Machenike – технику для профессиональных геймеров и киберспортсменов. Machenike специализируется на высокопроизводительном киберспортивном оборудовании и занимается созданием полнофункциональных приложений для любителей игр. На сайте бренда представлены ноутбуки, клавиатуры, мыши, беспроводные геймпады и наушники.

На чем россияне играли раньше

До начала СВО на Украине в сегменте игровых ноутбуков для российских геймеров, по данным «М.Видео», лидировали Asus, Lenovo, Acer, HP и MSI. Asus и Acer в марте 2022 г. заявили о прекращении поставок в Россию. В начале июня 2022 г. работать с российским рынкам перестала HP.

Гендиректор TelecomDaily Денис Кусков в беседе с «Коммерсантом» пояснил, что параллельный импорт пока не дает возможности ввозить в страну полный ассортимент ноутбуков ушедших из страны зарубежных брендов, и ассортимент в рознице заметно сжался. Учитывая эти обстоятельства, логично видеть на российском рынке новых китайских вендоров. Однако если стоимость на игровые новинки будет высокой, устройства не будут пользоваться большим спросом, уверен эксперт.

10. NO REBOOT — Superhero Alternative

Transformers is focused way less on the concept of heroes and villains than many big action films. Intentional or not, Bay’s Optimus comes off as angry and violence-prone. Granted, he’s been through a lot given the fact he died, was forced to destroy Cybertron in order to save some very ungrateful humans, then those ungrateful humans started hunting down all Transformers, and then got brainwashed by Quintessa.

So in some roundabout way, we could make the argument that Transformers, as it is now, has blurred morality lines and makes us question the integrity of the Autobots to a degree. The main struggle starts shifting to Cybertronians vs Humans with Autobots vs Decepticons as an underlying theme.

Механика ракетных ускорителей: как это работает

Новая механика ракетных ускорителей доступна на всех машинах ветки. Давайте разберёмся, как это будет работать.

В начале сражения происходит подготовка ускорителя, занимающая 5 секунд. Об этом вы узнаете благодаря соответствующему индикатору. После этого можете активировать ускоритель клавишей «X».

Длительность эффекта ускорения составляет 10 секунд, а объём ракетного топлива позволяет использовать механику от 3 до 6 раз за бой, в зависимости от уровня машины. После последнего использования индикатор погаснет, сигнализируя об опустошении баков и невозможности использования ускорителей до конца текущего боя.

8. NO REBOOT — The 2015 Writers’ Room

During pre-production for The Last Knight, Paramount announced a massive writers’ room effort to better coordinate later installments of the series. Led by Akiva Goldsman, Paramount established a room of 12 writers to help shape the future of the franchise. It gave a lot of us hope about The Last Knight actually being about Transformers.

We still didn’t get that… but the work of that writers’ room hasn’t been erased. While Transformers 6 is being tossed around (don’t trust Lorenzo), what about the rest of that work? How tied is it to the current movie canon? We have questions we want possible answers to! The effort was already put in, so don’t toss it.

5. REBOOT — Losing Hypermasculinity

There’s no question that Transformers movies are teeming with testosterone. Look, there’s no shame in wanting to watch giant robots punch giant dinosaur robots. But yikes, there are some super cringe-worthy moments in the movies. Probably the most infamous examples are Bumblebee peeing on John Turturro (we’re sorry) and the five-minute explanation of incorrect Texas consent laws in Age of Extinction (we’re really, REALLY sorry).

Bumblebee turns it all upside-down. In no way is Charlie (Hailee Steinfeld) shown or written the same way as really any other woman in the movie franchise. She’s just a person getting through a tough time, finding solace and comfort through someone else. And the whole relationship with Memo doesn’t get pushed at all and becomes a friendship you want to see grow. Charlie isn’t shamed for brushing off Memo’s interest and Memo’s totally cool with taking things slow.

1. REBOOT — Made By Fans

During the lead up to the film’s release, Knight wrote a letter to the fans about his approach to Bumblebee. This letter was first included in the promotional Bumblebee Boom Box, containing different classes and quality of the movie toys. It was later made public. He explained how he’d grown up with the ’80s show, played with the toys and continued the never-ending battle of good vs. evil. More importantly, he showed that he understood that the robots are characters, that they feel and have motives, that they have heart. So he put that heart into the movie.

Now, we’re at a point where Hasbro is employing these longtime fans to create official works and we hope the trend continues. With the acclaim of the first IDW comics universe and continued success of the show holding the foundation, getting the right fans in the right projects seems like a good way to go.

Update: For the 35th Anniversary of the iconic franchise, Hasbro sent over this amazing (and more than meets the eye!) Transformers box…

NEXT: 8 Things Bumblebee Did Better Than Other Transformers Movies (& 2 The Others Did Better)

1 NRE (Menu 30): The Real Emergency Food

The NRE (Menu 30) is the best gadget by far, because it comes in clutch in sticky situations. It’s essentially a snack pouch with two slots: one for healing food, and the other for revival dishes.

Players can use the NRE during combat, including domains and boss fights. In fact, the only area it can’t be used in is the challenging Spiral Abyss. What makes the gadget so great is that it provides a safety net whenever your healer’s abilities are down. It also saves time, since players won’t have to worry about opening and closing their inventory.

NEXT: Genshin Impact: Elemental Skills That Need A Rework

4 Parametric Transformer: Awe-Inspiring Alchemy

The Parametric Transformer can turn up to 150 unwanted objects into valuable Talent Books, EXP Books, Mora, and Character and Weapon Ascension Materials. After players place the Parametric Transformer and choose the items they want to convert, they can proceed with the transformation process by charging it with elemental attacks.

Players can obtain this gadget after completing the world quest «Tianqiu Treasure Trail,» which appears in Liyue Harbor after they have reached Adventure Rank 31. All things considered, it’s a fantastic gadget for players who have more Mint than they know what to do with, but its reliability can vary.

Ракетные ускорители: советы по игре

  • Эта механика позволит вашей машине выполнять тактические манёвры, недоступные другим тяжёлым танкам, особенно в начале боя. Пока тяжелобронированная техника союзников и противника только приближается к своим привычным позициям, вы уже сможете занять самые выгодные огневые точки.
  • Ракетные ускорители особенно полезны на небольших картах, когда нужно как можно быстрее добраться до ключевых позиций. Используйте их для преодоления холмов или быстрого пересечения болот и других сложных участков местности в критические моменты боя.
  • Если у вас есть запас топлива для ракетных ускорителей, используйте его для нанесения урона тараном, особенно если перед вами легкобронированная цель. Активация ускорителей перед тараном увеличит урон, который получит противник.
  • Если ситуация на фланге выходит из-под контроля, ракетные ускорители помогут вам совершить быстрое отступление или занять другую позицию для прикрытия союзников.
  • Вы также сможете быстро оказать поддержку на противоположном фланге. Если союзникам срочно требуется подкрепление, вы сможете направиться к ним со скоростью некоторых средних танков.

Бойцы, играйте и получайте удовольствие от этих грозных китайских машин!

10 Kamera: Take Snapshots Wherever You Like

As expected, the Kamera is a device that allows players to take in-game photos of themselves and their surroundings. Players can obtain it after completing the world quest «Snapshots,» which is located in Liyue Harbor.

Unlike the menu’s camera, which can only capture characters in a couple of passive, pre-set poses, the Kamera is capable of recording more dynamic images, as players can continue to take pictures while they are mid-combat and mid-animation. As a result, miHoYo has been encouraging players to get creative with the gadget by hosting various photo contests such as the ones for the Windblume Festival and Midsummer Island Adventure events. In terms of utility in battle and game progress, though, it’s not essential by design.

7. REBOOT — Transformers IN A Transformers Movie

Bay movies are notorious for having such little screen time devoted to Transformers. In The Last Knight, Bumblebee got a collective 10 minutes out of 148 minutes. Bumblebee. What even? And that’s not even considering that Optimus Freaking Prime maybe had about 5 minutes.

No, we came here to watch Transformers. Let us have Transformers.

We also get very clear fight scenes that have an overall purpose. Bumblebee definitely saves itself for that final battle of Bee and Charlie vs Shatter and Dropkick. But the way Bumblebee fights is perfect. As a smaller opponent, he constantly goes low, tries to get underfoot, did not skip leg day, and uses his environment to his advantage. Staging makes sense, characters are easy to track, and it doesn’t feel bloated with action. By the time we hit the marina fight, we’re super hype to see it.

Историческая справка и описание концепции

Китайские танкостроители приступили к разработке проектов тяжёлых штурмовых танков с ракетными ускорителями во второй половине 1950-х годов. Эти машины проектировались в рамках концепции «танков прикрытия границы» и теоретически предназначались для преодоления самых труднопроходимых типов местности. Кроме того, предполагалось, что они смогут самостоятельно выбираться из вязких грунтов, а также разрушать инженерные сооружения и укреплённые районы.

По задумке создателей этой концепции танка ракетные ускорители должны были ненадолго разгонять тяжёлую боевую машину и помогать ей выбираться из вязкого грунта, въезжать на холмы и выполнять другие похожие задачи. Однако все проекты так и остались на чертёжной доске и были закрыты в конце 1970-х годов.

3. REBOOT — Give Us Cybertron

Enough said.

In all seriousness, even fans who didn’t enjoy Bumblebee got some joy out of seeing five minutes on Cybertron. The only real exploration of Cybertron, of its architecture and culture that we get, is through the IDW comic line, and that just rebooted. Transformers Cyberverse makes a huge effort to show us a pre-war Cybertron through the use of flashbacks, but no other television series has really done this.

But even with how bleak the planet looked in Bumblebee, what we did see was beautiful and exactly what you’d expect out of an all-metal planet. So much of the audience responded well to that one scene and now, a film fully set on Cybertron is in the works. Yes, please!

9 Adepti Seeker’s Stove: Gastronomy On The Go

This practical, portable piece of kitchen equipment is handy for any fan of chef and powerful Pyro Support character, Xiangling. With the Adepti Seeker’s Stove, scrumptious, stat-boosting sustenance is only a few clicks away.

Players can unlock the blueprint for this item after reaching Reputation Level Five in Liyue. On doing so, they can craft it at the blacksmith’s station and take it with them on their journey. However, each stove has a one-time use and will disappear after being deployed for 300 seconds or if the player enters combat. With this in mind, it isn’t a bad idea to forge several of them if players find themselves running low on rations. In reality, though, it’s not super necessary, since there are tons of random cooking pots out in the wild.

6 Waverider Repair Toolbox: Reckless Drivers, Rejoice!

After the addition of the Golden Apple Archipelago, many Genshin Impact players have been sailing the seas while laying waste to floating hilichurl camps. Taking down these enemy structures lets them claim nice rewards such as rare treasure chests and Shiny Flotsam.

However, players’ boats can get damaged in the process, which is where the Waverider Repair Toolbox comes in handy. Players can obtain it after collecting 200 Shiny Flotsam, and it can restore up to 50 percent of a Waverider’s maximum HP. Despite this, Waveriders do naturally regenerate health when they aren’t in combat, so players who frequently exit their boats can make use of this passive instead.

6. NO REBOOT — Too Much Lore To Explore

Is it too much to ask for some sensible retconning? Why yes, yes it is.

All things considered, The Last Knight shouldn’t have shocked us that much. Since at least Revenge of the Fallen, Transformers have influenced Earth’s development for at least a few thousand years. Later movies play around with this to the point of retconning themselves, but at least it’s a concept being well-explored.

And now we have Unicron. For anyone who doesn’t know, Unicron is the Biggest of Bads in the Transformers universe. Cybertron and any being’s continued existence are constantly threatened by Unicron’s ability to consume anything and everything in his path. More recently, he’s been designated as the “Chaos Bringer,” generally being associated with mass destruction and planet-wide panic.

So that sounds cool, but we haven’t even touched Quintessa yet. There’s a lot here and while we don’t have time to unpack all of that, we hope the movies have time to do it for us.

Machenike выходит на российский рынок

В Россию начнутся поставки игровых ПК, мониторов, ноутбуков и периферии китайского производителя Machenike, пишет «Коммерсант» со ссылкой на свои источники. Новый вендор будет поставлять устройства в Россию через российских дистрибуторов OCS, «Марвел-Дистрибуцию» и «Треолан» (входит в Группу «Ланит»). В «Марвел-Дистрибуции» информацию подтвердили, назвав Machenike перспективным брендом, которому в Китае принадлежит 20% всего рынка игровых гаджетов.

Бред Machenike появился в 2014 году

До сих пор в России гаджеты Machenike можно было приобрести только на Aliexpress и Ozon. На последней платформе устройства были представлены с мая 2021 г. – популярностью, как сообщил онлайн-ритейлер, пользовались мыши и клавиатуры.

По сведениям «Марвел-Дистрибуции», в 2021 г. в Россию ввезли порядка 1,6 тыс. устройств периферии Machenike и около 200 ноутбуков.

9. REBOOT — Streamlined Designs

The Bayhem extends beyond the nonstop explosions and incoherent fight scenes. The Transformers’ designs suffered as well. The Bay designs can be really hard to look at and are difficult for the eye to track. More moving parts isn’t necessarily a good thing and as a result, the bots end up looking really muddled. Bumblebee’s designs take a step back, embrace the ’80s boxy-ness, and give us that visual coherency we were lacking.

For the most part, the bots really didn’t look out of place in the live action bits. They’re just complicated enough in design for our brains to understand that Bee’s chest is the hood of the VW Beetle. It was also just a treat to see Bee’s model change with his four vehicle modes: Cybertronian, the Jeep, the VW Beetle, and the Camaro.

8 Warming Bottle: Shelter From Sheer Cold

The Warming Bottle gives players temporary respite from Dragonspine’s harsh ice and wintry weather. When activated, the gadget will spawn a Warming Seelie that radiates heat for five seconds.

Though the mountain is littered with campfires, Ruin Braziers and Scarlet Quartz that can also cleanse the Sheer Cold debuff, players who prefer to be prepared should have no qualms about crafting a few just in case. However, to obtain the Warming Bottle blueprint, they must first gather 40 Crimson Agates in order to raise the Frostbearing Tree to Level Four. Overall, while Warming Bottles can be very helpful, they aren’t really as important as some gadgets. Rather than removing Sheer Cold after the fact, players can also slow down the rate of accumulation just by eating a steaming bowl of Goulash.

2 Anemoculus and Geoculus Resonance Stones: Gotta Track ‘Em All

Much to every Genshin Impact player’s chagrin, collecting those pesky Anemoculi and Geoculi is the only way to increase your maximum stamina. With almost 200 Oculi in existence, finding them is no easy feat.

Luckily, players can craft Anemoculus and Geoculus Resonance Stones to make the task a little less tedious. Players can obtain the blueprints for these items by reaching Reputation Level Two in Mondstadt and Liyue. Even though Resonance Stones break after one use, they are still surprisingly efficient. This is because these gadgets mark the player’s map, revealing the closest Oculi’s location. It’s among the game’s very best gadgets simply because it helps with this irritating task.

3 Anemo and Geo Treasure Compasses: X Marks The Spot

Although the Treasure Compasses can be tricky to use, they still have a pretty big payoff. When equipped, they alert players when chests are nearby and then point them in their general direction.

If a Treasure Compass detects a chest, it briefly spawns an elemental stream to guide players before going on cooldown for 3o seconds. However, if the gadget does not find a chest, then it will only have a five second cooldown. The main difference between the Anemo and Geo Treasure Compasses is the areas in which they can operate. The Anemo Treasure Compass only works in Mondstadt (excluding Dragonspine), while the Geo one only works in Liyue. Additionally, they can only be crafted after players reach Reputation Level Six in their respective regions.

2. NO REBOOT — Mass Appeal Factor

There’s no denying that there’s some sort of viscerally satisfying about watching a giant robot fight without thinking too hard about it. Let’s be real, these movies are fun for fans to switch off their brain and suspend that disbelief. Really, if you’re questioning the logistics of gravity but are totally cool with the whole vehicle mode scanning thing, then it’s not the right movie for you to begin with.

The mass appeal helped turn Transformers into the multi-billion franchise it is today. The 2007 movie made it a mainstream thing rather than that nerdy show from the ’80s. And because of the first live action movie, it spawned not only a renewed interest in a stagnant toyline, but gave rise to Transformers Prime and High Moon Studio’s War for Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron video games. Like, Fall of Cybertron was the Most Anticipated Game of 2012. That’s a big deal.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: