10 roll20 alternatives that you can’t resist in 2021

Building a Character Is Made Incredibly Easy

While Roll20 isn’t built as a character sheet management tool, it still has many features that make the character creation process way easier. The website has a ton of prebuilt character sheets that are at least partially automated. These prebuilt character sheets also allow players to just click on a particular skill to roll a skill check, rather than using the dice roll command within Roll20. While not every system has character sheets like this, many of the more popular systems do.

One downside to Roll20 compared to D&D Beyond is that the former doesn’t have a way to build characters outside a game. Players with a premium subscription can export and import character sheets between games, but there’s no way to build a character outside a campaign. While this isn’t great for players just looking for something to supplement D&D Beyond’s character library, Roll20’s focus on managing campaigns helps keep characters better organized in their relevant campaigns.

Roll20 Reviews

  1. Nolan

    almost 3 years

    When it works, its mediocre

    As a DM for homebrew games, I used Roll20 for 2+ years. When it works, its OK. When it doesn’t, its frustrating. I use a lot of custom rules and they are simply not supported due to a lack of modularity within the system. A simple variant of Proficiency Dice in 5e is outlined in the rules, and even it is hacky and not well supported on Roll20.

    The format feels like it was made two decades ago, and the web console spits out warnings and errors left and right. There has even been some conspiracies / drama with some of the higher-ups at Roll20, showing a lack of leadership.

    Please, let’s let Roll20 die. Support another system.

    Can purchase modules like curse of strahd and tomb of annihilation|Free for dms and players|Use with a variaty of systems|Many features

    Not modular enough for me|Hacky programming|Ugly|Features feel clunky and slow|Some features do not work well at all|Buggy

  2. Diego Herrerías

    Not very easy to learn

    Not easy to learn, not friendly controls

    digitald20.com Digital d20

    The most famous

    User experiance|Design|Costly pro plan

External sources with reviews and comparisons of Roll20

10 Best Sites Like Roll20 Alternatives For Tabletop Gaming

These tools aide gamers during online games. Both Roll20 and the Roll20 alternatives can be best described as table-top games. Launched in 2012, Roll20 has received a lot of positive feedback.

Roll20 Alternatives, Similar Games, Apps 2020

Roll20 is a set of easy-to-use digital tools that extend the pencil and paper set. It is the easiest and free way to play board games (such as paper and pencil role-playing games) online with others. Roll20 is completely online, so it runs directly in your browser.

7 Best Roll20 alternatives 2020

Programs like Roll20 and Best Roll20 alternatives are quite similar. So you can play and try one of them and easily download from play store, app store and Roll20 official Website.

How to use Roll20’s Virtual Tabletop Tool

Logging in as the GM grants you access to the impressive suite of Roll20 tools and features, giving you total command over the app and letting you know everything that’s happened in your campaign. Players can only see what you want when you want, which is good — foreknowledge of impending doom robs you of joyfully crushing their hopes yourself. Roll20 also provides GMs with a guided tutorial on how to use and access Roll 20’s Virtual Tabletop Tool (VTT), a seemingly simple area of white gridlines. This tool is where Roll20 sets itself apart from other tabletop simulators, and you can work creative wonders to your heart’s content.

As a live application, there are no edit or play modes — any changes you make to the settings or objects in the VTT are visible to the players and GM alike. Players can view the VTT, but not control it by default. Tools include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Instant drag-and-drop and resizing features for files such as maps, tokens, and documents.
  • Drawing tools, including draw shape, freehand, polygon/line, and text.
  • A searchable art library and compendium filled with images suitable for creating maps, tokens, and even portraits for your players to enjoy.
  • Customizable tokens to provide information on characters, including enemy health info, status effect icons, and ammunition trackers.
  • Measurement tools that let GMs and players calculate distances, attack ranges, and spell area-of-effects ensure your brilliant or foolish tactics are mechanically sound.
  • Layers to determine what your players can see and interact with on the VTT, including token, GM, and maps and background. Players can see and interact with the token layer, while the latter two are the GM’s purview — players can see the background while not interacting with it. In contrast, the GM layer allows for notes, hidden enemies, traps, and anything else you want to keep secret, along with additional premium account features.
  • A genuinely expansive suite of built-in chat and communication features including pinging map locations, an HD shadow box to examine tokens at high resolution and share them with players, integrated audio/video powered by WebRTC and compatible with Google Hangouts and other third-party VOIP services, text chat with reviewable archive, whispers and emotes, tab auto-complete function for long PC names, GM-specific chat commands, dice rolling commands, and more.
  • A page toolbar to organize notes, move players from map to map, and navigate settings, content, locations, and time.
  • The journal function to keep handouts, character sheets, and folders neat and tidy.
  • A jukebox for sound effects, battle music, and much more with an impressive audio library and adding custom audio via SoundCloud URLs.
  • Turn-tracker for ensuring everyone knows what their initiative order is.
  • The ability to create macros for easy rolling or texting, and a macro library if you’re feeling lazy.
  • Customizable decks of cards for every game imaginable.
  • Modifiable rollable tables randomly generate tokens or determine results from a weighted list, which is excellent for developing monsters like shape-changers or picking randomly selected enemies.
  • A settings menu for each player to determine how their dice appear, control their master volume, select avatar size, and access keyboard shortcuts.

Troubles with Roll20

Even though there is a built-in tutorial, novice players will find Roll20 to be somewhat confusing. Moreover, the game is also hampered by the inability to add custom items to a virtual compendium.

Despite the fact that this feature has been requested numerous times over the past year, the developers are unwilling to implement it due to security or copyright concerns, despite the fact that it requires no more security than any other custom feature they have implemented, such as custom species.

A lot of really advanced features are behind a paywall, which is well worthwhile if you’re a frequent player. However, if you have the time to understand how to use it and don’t want to build a game that is highly customized, Roll20 is a good option. If not, there are numerous other platforms comparable to Roll20.

Roll20 Alternatives | 10 Games Similar to Roll20

Additionally understood as the “Online Virtual Table Top,” Roll20 is a fabulous website that empowers you to execute table-top games in an online arena, delivering you a perfect new experience. This website began in 2012 after a triumphant Kickstarter campaign. Created by Riley Dutton, Richard Zayas, and Nolan T. Jones, the roll20 website sharpens on giving the most immeasurable viable adventure of participating in table-top games, on-screen users. It consists of an assortment of tools that intensify the gaming experience.

Are Roll20 Alternatives Free?

As it happens, some services offer you their advantages only when you a handsome sum as a subscription fee. But as it turns out, most of the Roll20 alternatives mentioned here are open source software that requires no sum as a compulsory. You can simply just be around, make an account, invite, and play. However, certain options might ask you for a little contribution, which is optional. There are a few extra components apart from the play in some cases, and those might require to be purchased through. But that would be nothing that affects your fundamental game strategy.

Nevertheless, if you are looking for alternatives for Roll20, we are presenting a complete list of websites and apps that you can play on alternatively. Find what you have been missing out of Roll20. 

Are You A Beginner To RPG or Strategy Games?

One of the most common and expected tasks for D&D players is building a new character. Although it can seem manageable, it seldom becomes difficult to build the exact kind anyone might truly desire due to having an insufficient understanding of precepts. One explication is to practice a pre-made frame from Starter Set. Nonetheless, here are a few tips for you to start with.

  • Determine the competition. I have observed a fraction of my compatriots’ play solo crusades with the specific purpose of discovering how to play the game. The D&D games playtest, new campaigns, hence are good patterns. Usually, they will strike through it once (using either a single avatar or multiple) and take it as a prospect to acquire the essentials of the game while ensuring the sketched rules.
  • You can evermore perform test builds. Something I appreciate individually is to test how well a build runs in warfare. You can do such by easily performing gameplay by yourself. Look how it performs in real-life circumstances.
  • The bonus is that there is nobody to vote or determine which gateway to accept or which path to go. It’s perpetually pleasant to have 100% autonomy to arrange what you want with your build(s).
  • Watch for pre-built crusades. This gives for the most agreeable fantasy-related experience as clearly any story you come up by is slightly despoiled considering you discern it from the start of it.

Советы и лайфхаки как играть D&D онлайн

Для тех, кто играет в цифровую версию D&D.

Основные правила

Основные правила пятой версии Dungeons & Dragons доступны бесплатно!

  • Загрузите бесплатный 180-страничный PDF-файл, содержащий информацию о том, как создать персонажа, как играть в игру, 120 описаний заклинаний и советы для Данжон Мастеров.
  • Все нужное, чтобы поиграть в Dungeons & Dragons, можно найти здесь!

Виртуальные пространства

Таверны могут принимать много обличий. Встречаться в реальной таверне не рекомендуется, но вы по-прежнему можете собрать вечеринку и отважиться на приключение.


Ищете приключения, которые можно провести для своей группы? — Нет конца подземельям для спуска, замкам для набегов и диким местам для исследования.

Игральные кости

Нет костей? Без паники! Если вы окажетесь без костей, всегда можете брать двадцать на d20.

  • Мы воскресили древний и мистический набор костей для любых бросков в цифровой игре.
  • Несколько лет назад Джеймс Уайетт обнаружил, что виртуальные помощники, такие как Сири и Алекса, могут бросить d4, d6, d8, d10, d20 или d100. Просто попросите!
  • Подумайте над идеей самостоятельного изготовления бумажных жетонов. Пронумеруйте кусочки картона и доставайте их из шляпы или из чаши. Вы будете играть в D&D как люди из 1977 года!

Поддержите создателей контента

  • Нынешняя ситуация может повлиять на многих создателей контента в сообществе. Проверьте, чем они занимаются в Dungeon Master’s Guild и по возможности подбросьте несколько монет.
  • Вы также можете поддержать сообщество онлайн стримеров, путем просмотра их приключений. Проверьте категорию Dungeons & Dragons в Twitch и найдите для просмотра новую группу.

Смотрите онлайн

  • Как упоминалось выше, живые игры D&D и стримы можно найти на официальном канале D&D в Twitch, так же, как и более широкую категорию Dungeons & Dragons.
  • Вы также можете посмотреть множество видеоконтента на канале D&D в YouTube. Например, мы собрали живые игры Acquisitions Incorporated, происходящие на мероприятиях, в следующий плейлист.

Это всего лишь несколько способов насладиться Dungeons & Dragons с друзьями и любимыми. Дайте знать, какие другие решения вы найдете, чтобы мы могли распространить их в сообществе.

Планируйте и создавайте своих персонажей

В D&D требуется создавать персонажа, выбрав список функций и способностей из официального руководства Dungeons and Dragons Player. В классической игре игрок записывает эту информацию на свой лист персонажа. При этом Мастеру подземелья будет сложно отслеживать данные игроков при игре в сети, поэтому можно воспользоваться несколькими современными сервисами, чтобы упростить эту задачу.

DND Beyond представляет собой официальный цифровой сборник содержимого Dungeons and Dragons. Тут есть не только весь доступный контент из исходников, но также интегрированная система для создания цифровых листов персонажей и настроек кампании.

Это может очень помочь Мастеру подземелья, запускающему онлайн-игру, поскольку так он сможет организовать игровой процесс, получив доступ к электронным листам персонажей игроков для того, чтобы следить за хит-поинтами, дарить дополнительные предметы и управлять очками опыта, если это необходимо. Кроме того, в DND Beyond есть множество функций для повышения удобства игры, таких как бета-версия Encounter Builder, которая позволит Мастерам подземелий проверить вероятность того, что их игроки выживут в предстоящей битве.

Также вы можете бросать цифровые кубики, которые подсчитают счёт за вас. Это удобно для новичков, которые ещё не знакомы с математической стороной игры. Сервис предлагает несколько наборов кубиков на выбор, а также возможность включить звуки бросания кубика для тех, кому их не хватает.

Мой блог про Форумные Ролевые Игры обвинили в рекламе. Я не виноват, что в рунете только один сайт и нет конкурентов. Но, чтобы не оставалось сомнений, что это не реклама, я пошагово расскажу как создать свою Форумную Ролевую Игру в Дискорде с Эль Президенте и котиками.

Но зачем нам делать свою игру в дискорде, если ты сам нахваливал готовый сайт? Хороший вопрос, мой воображаемый оппонент. И тут есть целый список плюсов.

3. Возможность играть голосом, да хоть с вебками. Совсем как Стопгеймовцы.

4. Никакой модерации и ограничений. Никаких пяти полей в создании персонажа, никакого минимального ограничения по длине описания, можно даже гифки с видосиками кидать.

Best list of roll20 Alternatives

Map Tool

MapTool is an online, multi-user, networked, graphical, interactive and programmable virtual table. Requires Java 6+. It can be used to play face to face, or Internet…

Fantasy Grounds is a virtual tabletop to help facilitate online tabletop-style roleplaying.

astral board

Astral is an online tabletop RPG platform for hosting and playing games online or in person. Play online with others and communicate through…

Battlegrounds: RPG Edition

Battlegrounds: RPG Edition (also known as BRPG) is virtual tabletop software designed to enhance your pen-and-paper role-playing games, whether your players are in the same room…


Rolisteam helps you manage tabletop RPGs with friends/remote players. It provides many to share maps, images and also includes a tool for…

epic table

EpicTable is a virtual table (sometimes referred to as “VT”) that lets you and your friends play your favorite pen-and-paper RPGs, regardless of…


Mipui is a grid-based online map editor, with a focus on simplicity and collaboration: all edits appear in real time for other viewers. It is meant to be used…

A free, easy-to-use, in-person D&D 5e game system for characters, campaigns, and parties.

Want to see more alternatives for Roll20?

beyond the table

Beyond Tabletop is a toolkit for RPG players with easy-to-use online maps and character sheets. No subscription and designed to be used on all devices online…

standard action

Standard Action is a board game app designed to be simple yet flexible. In the game, Standard Action, an interactive game board, live chat, dice rolls…

The best Roll20 alternatives based on verified products, community votes, reviews and other factors. Latest update: 2023-04-13

  1. A self-hosted, modern, and developer-friendly roleplaying platform.

  2. Official online toolset for Dungeons & Dragons tabletop gaming

  3. Featured

    The Website Builder for Startups

  4. Create, host, and manage your tabletop role-playing games — online or in person

  5. Fantasy Grounds is a virtual tabletop to help facilitate play of tabletop-style role-playing games…

  6. A free-form map editor for role-playing games, focusing on overland and continental maps.

  7. Beyond Tabletop is a set of tools for RPG players with easy-to-use online character sheets and maps.

  8. Rolisteam helps you to manage tabletop role playing games with remote friends/players.

  9. Campaign Cartographer

    Campaign Cartographer is the leading map making software for games (RPGs, miniatures and wargaming).

  10. GM Forge is a Standalone Virtual Tabletop and is a sandbox for GMs.

  11. Owlbear Rodeo is an attempt to make a web app to run tabletop encounters without the complicated setup process needed for other VTTs.

  12. is an intuitive yet powerful fantasy map creation tool for 64-bit Windows 10, Linux, and MacOSX.

  13. Tableplop is an easy to learn, fun to use virtual tabletop for role playing games. It includes everything you need to play TTRPGs remote apart from audio chat and works great on mobiles and computers.

  14. TaleSpire is an online, digital, graphical way of playing classic P&P Role-playing games with…


Очевидно, что если вы
используете Roll20, это не будет проблемой для вас. Однако если это не так, вам
нужно каким-то образом распространять фотографии и вещи, которые вы хотите,
чтобы ваши игроки видели (если вы используете эти вещи.) Вот несколько
альтернативных методов:

  • Чат Просто публикуйте
    изображения и ссылки в любом чате, который вы используете (см. чат ниже.)
  • Виртуальная доска. Выберите виртуальную
    доску, которая позволяет встраивать и использовать изображения. Мне например
    нравится Bitpaper.
  • Программное
    обеспечение для конференций. Если ваше программное обеспечение для
    видеоконференций имеет белую доску, чат или функцию обмена файлами, вы можете
    обмениваться изображениями.

How to GM and save a D&D 5e game on Roll20

Roll20 also offers a vast selection of purchasable modules for those who would prefer to play a written campaign with premade maps, tokens, notes, characters, and other resources. From the Roll20 homepage, select Games > Create New Game. From there, you can decide on what TTRPG system you’re using, the name of your campaign, tags for Looking for Group, and whether you want to include premade character sheets.

Daniel Martin/Screenshot

Once concluded, you will be able to access your campaign homepage — you’ll be able to add/remove content, advertise on Looking for Group, adjust add-ons and settings, participate in discussions, schedule sessions, and set a display image. Perhaps most importantly, click Launch Game to access the Virtual Tabletop Tool, where the +1 Tools of GMing reside. Once you create a game, it will be saved under the My Games tab until you decide to delete it.

Daniel Martin/Screenshot

What Is a VTT? And How Do You Use It?

Virtual tabletops provide many of the same functions as playing in person, with the major ones offering character sheets, interactive maps, and in some cases even 3D dice rolling so it feels like the real thing. They’re a great option for those who need to play remotely, whether to help organise your games or need to find non-local players.

Players connect remotely to the server, set up any characters or settings the service offers or needs, and can then play D&D online as easily as in person.

But as well as bypassing the need to be in a room with every other player, these systems often offer a number of conveniences that are easy to overlook, like:

  • Macros that let you automate common actions like specific dice rolls
  • Dynamic lighting based on character vision
  • Map exploration with physical walls
  • Automated character creation
  • NPC organisation
  • Integrations for official content

There are loads of other features too, varying dramatically based on the VTT used. Accordingly, it’s not just playing at home that benefits: there are advantages to using VTTs in person as well.

Battlegrounds RPG Edition

This Roll20 alternative is a virtual tabletop platform designed to enhance traditional role-playing games, whether your players are local or from all over the world. BRPG may be used to play any traditional RPG, including D&D, Rolemaster, Shadowrun, and many more. Also, you may play offline as well as online.

It’s great for those of you who wish to play with your childhood buddies. BRPG is also ideal for use with a projector or HDTV for face-to-face game sessions. BRPG is intended to be user-friendly; no programming or XML manipulation is necessary.

BRPG may be used to play board games, war games, card games, and dice games. This Roll20 replacement provides a free trial version to download. BRPG also contains a plethora of free and commercial art packs as well as digital game conversions.

Roll20 позволяет игрокам и гейм-мастерам сосредоточиться на развлечениях

Выдающееся различие между Roll20 и D&D Beyond без сомнения, Roll20 уделяет основное внимание настольным ролевым играм, а не просто сопутствующему инструменту. Игра в настольные игры требует серьезной подготовки, будь то 39;создает увлекательные боевые карты, повышает уровень персонажей или пишет запоминающееся приключение для всей группы

Roll20 не выводит эту работу из системы — она больше похожа на часть приключения, а не на дополнительную работу.

Вместо использования сетки Бумага или театр ума, Roll20 упрощает использование подробных карт сражений. Все, что нужно сделать гейм-мастерам, — это импортировать простое изображение окружающей среды сверху вниз и настроить сетку Roll20, чтобы она соответствовала ему. Так же у игроков есть подробная карта боя. Дополнительные изображения и инструменты рисования приложения позволяют легко добавлять дополнительные детали. Есть также функции качества жизни, которые управляют здоровьем, маной и множеством других атрибутов как для игровых персонажей, так и для врагов.

How to use Roll20?

use Roll20, you need to do the Roll20 login. If you are new, then
create an account to sign up.

functions in the following ways.

  • Sign in with your account
  • Choose a game. You can buy an adventure from the Roll20 marketplace. The app even allows you to join someone’s game.
  • Use the “Join the game” feature to invite friends
  • Start playing

can find a lot of games using this app. ‘Dungeons, and Dragons’ is the most
popular one among them.

can create or join different game sessions. Dynamic character sheets and
automated dice roll features are present in the app.

can find shared maps and enemy tokens as well. You can even become a paid
subscriber for the Roll20 app.

will include some additional features. A paid subscriber can enjoy dynamic
lighting and ‘fog of war’ for maps. 

The application is browser-based. There are also Android and iOS compatible versions of the app.

Does using Roll20 cost money?

answer to this question would be both Yes and No.

is a free application. A user can enjoy the base elements of the app for free.

the website requires support to keep running. The loyal paid subscribers
provide this support.

price schemes are available for you to become one. This feature is optional.

paid subscriber can also enjoy some of the additional aspects of the app.

You can cancel your subscription at any time. You can still enjoy the subscriber benefits until the billing period is over.

Использование функции загрузки Roll20 для карт, токенов и т. д. Подробнее

Сделать игру максимально захватывающей — одно из главных преимуществ Roll20. GM могут создавать эпические настольные настройки, чтобы бросать игроков перед запуском, используя инструменты платформы. Ведущие могут не только загружать такие вещи, как пользовательские жетоны для каждого игрового персонажа, NPC и монстра, но также могут интегрировать пользовательские карты, которые еще больше вовлекают игроков в игру. Хотя карты также можно создавать, запустив новую страницу и приступив к работе, создание пользовательских карт в Roll20 может быть утомительным занятием. К счастью, пользовательские карты, загруженные в систему, можно редактировать или изменять.

Ведущие также могут загружать раздаточные материалы в художественную библиотеку, например, заметки или важные открытия, которые они могут открыть или поделиться с игроками, когда придет время. Эти предметы остаются скрытыми до тех пор, пока Мастер не решит ими поделиться. Все, что передается таким образом, собирается в игровом журнале, к которому игроки могут получить доступ, чтобы вспомнить встречи и информацию, которая поможет им в будущем. Это делает менее важным для каждого игрока делать заметки во время длительных игр или кампаний, так как Мастера могут сделать важную информацию доступной здесь.

Кроме того, в Roll20 есть пользовательские шаблоны для создания персонажей для различных систем TTRPG, таких как Star Wars или Pathfinder. Существует также средство создания пользовательских листов персонажей, которое можно использовать для игр, которых еще нет в системе.

Astral Tabletop

This browser-based Roll20 Alternative is a tabletop role-playing game platform that allows you to host and play games both online and offline. Play online with others and communicate with them via live video.

As a game master, you may develop and host games with powerful combat and map management capabilities, as well as simple access to visual effects for atmosphere and a massive collection of materials available through an online marketplace.

Astral can handle almost any tabletop role-playing game. You can get started immediately with built-in support for the majority of popular game systems.

Fresh ideas and feature requests are often included in the system, making playing and creating on the Astral platform an exciting, dynamic, and ever-changing experience.

You may construct stunning battle maps using Astral’s large array of scenery, props, and tokens, or you can contribute your own. Pro members get access to a massive library of materials as well as new packs every month. Using easy tools, you may add weather, visual effects, triggers, and much more.

Astral’s tools, which are suited for phone, tablet, and desktop platforms, do not require installation.

Best Roll20 Alternatives 2021

In this article, we are going to provide you with almost 15+ alternatives that work similarly to Roll20. Also, we are providing you with a brief insight on some of the best Roll20 alternatives below, so have a look: 

1. MapTool

It is one of the best Roll20 alternatives that provide the players with a very interesting virtual board that can be used to play online role-playing games. And you can invite more people such as your friends to play with you. However, the game requires Java 6+, using this game you can either play face-to-face or online with as many people as you like.  

2. Fantasy Grounds 

Now let us talk about the very famous Fantasy Grounds which is the best suit for an alternative to Roll20. It provides the players with a virtual dashboard and numerous exciting features that make the game even more appealing. You can do everything that you normally would while playing a board game on the table such as throw dice, sharing brochures, and moving tokens on a map, etc.

You can play this game with more than two players and have fun! Also, players can adjust the lighting with simple colors in the game. 

3. D&D Beyond

This game is my favorite and I am sure those people will love this game who are into storytelling games with unique characters. D&D Beyond is the official digital toolkit of the 5th edition of Dungeons and Dragons which has been a very famous board game too.

The game comes packed with official exciting characters, spells, and other tools that are required by the D&D players to have an amazing adventure. Also, this website is free, so I am sure you are going to have fun. 

4. Beyond Tabletop

Beyond Tabletop has a very clean interface and works upon providing the best in-game experience to its players. It is one of the best Roll20 alternatives that can be tried, it is loaded with exciting maps and easy-to-use online characters.

This game doesn’t require any installation it is specifically designed for touch-screen devices. The game is a very great virtual battle that you can play with your friends.  

5. Mipui

This is an online map editor which can be used by the players both before a session as a mapper or during a session. It is used widely by players in other role-playing games such as the games we have mentioned above. It provides the ability to save all the maps to the cloud without hassle. It has a lot of features that can leave to stunned. 

6. Battlegrounds

Battlegrounds are one of the strong competitors of Roll20, it is a tabletop software. It helps its players to improve their role-playing games, it comes loaded with a lot of features. Battlegrounds Gaming Engine is a virtual table software that is highly used in board games. You must check it out.  

7. Astral Tabletop

Let’s talk about Astral Tabletop which is an online role-playing base where players can host and play games. Also, it allows its users to interact via video call and together play games after organizing them using the software’s powerful tools such as map management tools, etc. It is a platform that gives access to players to initiate role-playing games with their friends for absolutely no cost. Also, the software continues to bring in more features so have a look at it.

8. Epictable

As the name implements this app offers its users an epic virtual dashboard. However, it is not an open-source website, you will have to download it on your PC and then, you can explore all the features it has got to offer.

The app has everything such as exciting maps, character sheets, leaflets, miniatures and so much more to make your game the best. It is a very good alternative to Roll20 and you must try it. 

9. Standard Action

If you are someone who likes to customize inside an app then, this is the right option for you. This game offers the freedom to its users to use and customize the game features. It is a great virtual tabletop application that provides access to chats while players are playing and rolling dice, customizable statistics bars, etc. In these role-playing games, players can be any fictional character they like and take on the adventure.  

10. GM Forge

It is an amazing alternative that you must consider trying, it comes loaded with a lot of different features than a usual role-playing game. You will be impressed with its innovative ideas that they have put in this virtual tabletop. You don’t have to pay to be a part of this amazing application however, there is a certain cost for the software. 

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: